So Im sure many of you saw my new red Jeep on Facebook the day I purchased it, it looked something like
Nice new shiny Jeep with a brand new tan soft top, perfect for the Caribbean! What some of you may not know is that the day I bought the Jeep I gave the dealer a wad of cash to buy the Jeep and then left it there to get shipped off to Puerto Rico thinking that the sooner I ship it the sooner I will get it. Seems logical right? Well at the time I was blindly unaware of how things work down here in Vieques. So yes, I bought the Jeep on October 14, it shipped on October 17th and it arrived on Vieques on December 20th, after apparently spending two weeks in San Juan just waiting to come over. Of course thats not the whole story, it would be Vieques if it was. After finding out that my car had been sitting in San Juan for two weeks I called the shipping company to ask when it would be delivered to Vieques to which they respond "As soon as we have a space on the ferry." The way the cargo ferry works is you have to go down to the ferry office to make an appointment for your vehicle which can take several days up to two weeks. Seeing as how my car had been sitting there for two weeks I figured that the appointment for my car must be soon.....HAHAHA! The following is how the conversation proceeded:
me: "well what day do you have an appointment for?"
them: "well we have to send someone down to the ferry office to get an appointment" (HAHAHA......what!)
me: "You mean to tell me you have had my car sitting there for over two weeks and you haven't even gone to schedule an appointment, when exactly were you planning on doing that?"
them: "Well it would be much easier for us if you would just come over and get the car" (again...WHAT!!)
me: "To be completely honest with you Im really not too concerned about what's easiest for you since you are getting paid to deliver my car to me. I'll tell you what's most convenient for me would be not having to take an entire day to fly over to San Juan, spend $50 on a plane ticket, drive my car to the ferry and spend two hours on the ferry to get back. So how about this, since you obviously cant seem to get down to the ferry office how about I make an appointment for the ferry and you just make sure my car is on it when it leaves, is that easy enough for you?"
them: "That would be better but the ferry would have to be in the morning so our driver can get back in the afternoon"
Pretty particular for people who are making me do their job for them!
So needless to say I was able to get a ferry spot on the Monday morning ferry (our conversation was on Friday) so it clearly wasn't that tough.
Monday morning rolls around and I cant wait for 11:30 as thats when the ferry is arriving. 11:32 the phone rings and the driver is at the dock ready to turn over the car....whooo hooo finally! We drive down to the dock to meet the driver and this is what I see.....
I made the picture extra large for you so you can see in detail how shredded the back window of the jeep is, NICE! So now I need to get a whole new top since the seam and fabric is even ripped at the top edge. The good news, I look more like a local than I could have ever hoped for. The bad news, since there is no way to seal up the car every time I go to get in it the mosquitoes have taken up residence and are swarming all over. First day in the car I ended up with about 17 bites and that's after I doused myself in repellent.
Welcome to Vieques little red Jeep!
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